Building a Bike Riding Community

TBUG is an incorporated not-for-profit organisation working to build a stronger bike riding community in the Tamar region.You can join for as little as $20.  We work with local and state governments and organise rides for all levels from beginners to experienced. Anyone can come along to our rides ….it costs nothing and you are always welcome out the details on the rides page.

Photo courtesy of Chris Grose and On Your Bike Tours

TBUG - Life's better on a bike!

We always need more members and you can join for as little as $20. Anyone can come along to our rides … costs nothing and you are always welcome. Check out the rides page.

Our Wednesday morning rides are on all year round rain, hail or snow! Check our rides calendar for more details.

Fantastic Membership benefits when you join TBUG via Bicycle Network

Enjoy great membership benefits from Bicycle Network/TBUG’s membership package.

As well as 24/7 insurance and a free three month trial, you can access cash back schemes and member discounts. For more details click here or ring BN on 1800 639 634. For more local TBUG benefits click here.

We are delighted to announce that the Launceston Bike Library is finally open for business!

TBUG has partnered with Reclink Australia, Youth Futures and Launceston Big Picture School to set-up a Launceston Bike Library

The Launceston Bike Library is a lending and/or affordable bike hire service for community groups of the greater Launceston area who can’t afford to buy or rent a bicycle.

The Launceston Bike Library is funded by a Great Regional City Challenge grant.


TBUG’s latest video – Getting started tips for beginner riders

Just getting started on your bike?? ….check out this short video. Its full of useful tips and suggestions for all ages!!


TBUG looks to the future – A new alliance with Bicycle Network!

TBUG committee is very pleased to announce that we have formed a new alliance with the National and State offices of Bicycle Network (BN and BNT). Over the next six months we will withdraw from our existing affiliation agreement with Auscycling.


Why the Change?

TBUG has had an alliance with Auscycling for 12 years and generally that has worked well. However, their focus has always been on high performance events and races rather than community. Now that they have moved to an integrated national structure we do not have the easy access to local staff and resources that BN can provide. In that context changes to insurance and ride registration processes means that this relationship is no longer the most suitable for us.

What does this mean for you and for TBUG?

In the big picture it means that we are allied with an organization that prioritises community bike riding …as opposed to focusing on major bike events and/or racing.

Over the last five years we have worked very closely with local BN staff and volunteers on a range of local and state advocacy campaigns that have focused on improving bike riding infrastructure not only in Launceston but across the state as well as working to promote a stronger community bike riding culture through such events as Tasmanian Bike Week.

We now have a partner organisation that we are closely aligned with in terms of community links and advocacy.


The really good news is that for those who are currently uninsured BN have made a great offer of a free three-month membership trial which will give you full insurance cover 24/7. After the three months you can then decide if you wish to make it permanent.

If you remain uninsured you can still come to any TBUG rides but you ride entirely at your own risk so it makes sense to take up this offer.

The link to the membership offer page is here. Just scroll down for the three month offer and just register your details.

They have also launched special membership packages for TBUG. There are many TBUG members/supporters who are insured through our existing insurance package with Auscycling. If you are in that category we would encourage you to join BN when your current membership has expired. Of course that’s your choice, but we hope you will support TBUG by joining/remaining with Bicycle Network when your current membership with other organisations expire. Part of your membership fee will be directly paid to TBUG. Again click here for details

Importantly, on a day to day basis not much will change. Our rides program will become part of the Bicycle Network Tasmania social rides calendar which will give us greater public exposure. Our website, rides calendar emails listing our rides and events will remain exactly the same.

All our ride leaders have been provisionally integrated into the BNT social rides structure for insurance purposes and our public liability insurance has been integrated into the BN policies.

An important reminder is that all uninsured people ride at their own risk on any TBUG ride. This is why the three month trial offer is such a great one if you are in that category.

TBUG committee is looking forward to working with BN in 2022 and beyond. We are confident it will be a mutually supportive and productive alliance over many years.

If you have any question or comments please reply to this email or email 


How well do you know Launceston?? 

Take the great Cycleteering challenge !!

You may think very well, but here’s a chance to test yourself as well as friends and family with our TBUG Bicycleteering challenge. Click on the link below for the clues  Find the place – give your answer using the clue. The answers are listed here too but we trust you wont cheat!!!

TBUG’s Cycleteering course covers a 6.7km cycling route across Launceston, exploring some of the city’s best known — and less well known — landmarks, along with the history behind them. TBUG’s Cycleteering route takes in Launceston’s Royal Park, the Cataract Gorge, Princes Square, City Park, and The Esplanade, and can be completed in as little as an hour and a half although you may have to hunt around for some.

Cycleteering Clues short version final

Cycleteering Answers short version final


Thinking of riding to work? Check out our new Riding to Work Myth Busters leaflet below

Mythbuster leaflet final draft 2021_09_26


TBUG initiates campaign for Northern Midlands and Meander Valley Wayfinding system 

TBUG is working with Meander Valley and Northern Midlands Councils to introduce a Dutch style Junction Wayfinding system in the popular riding area bounded by Longford, Westbury, Blackwood Creek and Cressy, an area of around 700sq km. Any further questions or comments you’d like to make can be sent to or call Malcolm Cowan  0417 573 991



Watch the video of the Dutch junction wayfinding system here




COVID-19 update

From 12 October 2022, events in Tasmania are no longer regulated by specific COVID-19 Public Health Guidelines.

This means there are no requirements for event organisers to submit COVID-19 safety plans and gain approval from Public Health to conduct their events.

However, TBUG aims at conducting its events safely and in accordance with the requirements and recommendations of local government, workplace health and safety regulators, and others.

We reduce the risk of COVID-19 spreading at our events by:

  • Asking patrons and staff not to attend if unwell
  • Providing sufficient space at the event to enable patrons to keep a reasonable distance from each other
  • Supporting those who choose to wear a facemask
  • Enabling hand washing and sanitising
  • Cleaning and disinfecting
  • Ensuring that our ride leaders consider and manage COVID-19 risk


Creating a more bike friendly city and region beyond 2020 – our vision

TBUG has set out some clear affordable and practical steps for creating a more bike friendly city and region. It is our contribution to building a healthier happier and more prosperous northern Tasmania. Click here to check it out.

Did You know that walking and riding to work makes commuters happier and more productive…read more here


Brilliant New Guide for Riding in Tassie.

Check out this great new guide for around Tasmania produced by Network Tas. It is available at RidewithGPS. There are heaps of rides posted from all over Tasmania. They range from an easy and accessible City Sights Launceston ride to a 45km journey down the back roads of Bracknell. Thanks too to the TBUG ride leaders who contributed to this terrific guide. Lots of pics and maps included.




Don’t forget!!! becoming a member helps TBUG to organise more rides and supports our campaigns for improved infrastructure, safety and culture for ALL bike riders – recreational, commuter and serious riders. You can join for as little as $20…

Join Up

Sign up to the TBUG email bulletins

To sign up to receive our email updates on all things TBUG click here

Our Rides and Map

TBUG Rides & Maps

TBUG organises a range of rides to all capabilities from beginners to overnight tours. Our aim is simple – to get more people around our region to experience the fun and fitness that comes with riding a bike. Click here to go to our latest rides calendar. Just hover over the date to get more information click on the date to get the full info about the ride.

Our map is a great aid in helping you cycle around Launceston. For the first time, all the off and on- bike trails and bike lanes are displayed in one simple and easy-to-read map. You can download it by clicking on the view link just below !!.

PIcture courtesy of Chris Grose and On Your Bike Tours

You can also find great maps of Tasmanian Bike Touring Routes here. This is a detailed guide to the best routes across Tasmania


Our Newsletter

If you would like to be on our mailing list to receive our regular email updates regarding all things TBUG  please click to signup today.

TBUG takes safety very seriously. We believe that bike riders just like drivers have an obligation to obey all rules and other related laws such always wearing a helmet and using lights. Responsible behaviour on the part of cyclists is a is a vital part of developing a stronger bike culture in our region.

For example TBUG has worked closely with other organisations such as Bicycle Network, the Tasmanian Bicycle Council and Cycling South to lobby the state government to agree that bikes can be ridden across pedestrian crossings. For further details click here

Some key rules for cyclists

  • You are not permitted to ride within 2 metres of the rear of a moving motor vehicle continuously for more than 200m. Riders are not permitted to be towed by another vehicle or hold onto a moving vehicle.
  • To be more visible on the cyclists you are allowed to ride to the front of queued traffic and ride 2 abreast. Be patient and use common sense.
  • Cyclists can pass on the left of traffic banked up at lights provided cars are not indicating to do a left hand turn. Stop before the same holding line or in the green box . However the law is not entirely clear so take care.
  • In Tasmania, cyclists are allowed to ride on the footpath, unless marked otherwise; pedestrians have the right of way and both users should keep to the left.

Interesting facts

US Research has found that running a full time light is better than no light at all. A flashing tail light is safer than a steady (always on) tail light. A steady light worn on your ankle or heel makes you even more conspicuous. Colourful (and fluorescent) clothing is fine for the torso, but even better at letting people know you’re a cyclist, is wearing fluorescent on your legs!

Specific Rides And Events

TBUG organises heaps of different rides and occasional other events. them out here. Just hover over the date for extra info and click on it for full ride contact details and more!